Thursday 28 August 2014

Red Clover (Trifolium pretense)

Red clover is an excellent permaculture plant, because it has several beneficial uses which occur simultaneously. Red clover can be used as a 'green manure' or cover crop which enriches soil in the cooler months. They can also be grown around and in between vegetable without negative effects. Clover flowers are edible, and the herb is a valuable medicine in its own right.

Clover adds organic matter. A primary reason to grow a cover crop is to increase the amount of organic matter in the soil. Adding organic matter improves the soil's structure, increases its water retention and drainage, and improves aeration. It also provides necessary food for earthworms and microorganisms that increase biological activity in the soil. Increased biological activity in turn helps keep the soil healthy by enhancing decomposition; well-nourished beneficial microorganisms also compete better against disease-causing organisms.

Clover controls erosion. Traditionally, cover crops were used to "cover" the soil during the winter. This prevents erosion and topsoil loss, especially in areas with high winds and inconsistent snow cover.

Cover crops loosen compacted soil generally, and can over time increase aeration, and improve drainage, especially on clay soils such as those encountered in the study area.
Clover balances nutrients. Legume cover crops, such as red clover, form a symbiotic relationship with the rhizobia bacteria on their roots, convert atmospheric nitrogen into a form plants can use to grow. When the cover crop is tilled under, the nitrogen is released for the next crop.

They help control weeds. Some cover crops are good weed blockers.Clover is particularly good at this owing to its growth habit, close to the floor, and its somewhat smaller stature compared to other cover plants.

They attract beneficial insects. When native cover crops, such as red clover are allowed to flower, they attract bees and beneficial insects that help with pollination and insect control in the garden.

Red clover as medicine. The blossoms may be dried and used in a pleasant tasting tea. It is often used in combination with other herbs to nourish pregnant and breast feeding women, as well as to treat skin conditions, coughs and blood infections. Red Clover gently purifies the blood, helping to eliminate heavy metals and other environmental contaminants, while nourishing the body with its abundance of trace minerals. It is also mildly antispasmodic, which means it can ease nervous excitability, twitching and spasm. It is gentle enough to give to children who have recurring respiratory problems, such as colds, hay fever, asthma, ear infections or congestion.Traditional Chinese medicine believed that it was a good tonic for colds, to purify the blood, and at one time they burned it as incense. Native Americans used it as a salve for burns, as well as for bronchial problems. Many cultures have traditionally used red clover to treat whooping cough, respiratory problems, psoriasis, eczema and even cancer. Red clover is one of the herbs in Essiac, and grows in many areas around the world.

Edible parts: Although leaves can be tossed into a salad or used in a tea, the preferable part of this wild edible is the flower. Red clovers are the tastiest of all clovers although it is recommended not to eat too many of these as some people experience bloating.

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